
Hairdresser or Stylist Understanding the Key Differences

In the field of hairdressing, beauty, and style, it is common to hear people talk
about“hairdresser” and “stylist”. Although these two professions are often used interchangeably,
they have distinct roles, skills, and services. Understanding these differences is essential and
helps you make an informed choice about the professional who will take care of your hair. To
help you make this informed choice and optimize your beauty experience, we will explore in
detail the roles, tasks, and skills specific to hairdressers and stylists in addition to discovering
what they have in common and what makes them complementary.

Why is it important to differentiate between a stylist and a

Knowing the differences between a hairdresser and a stylist is crucial to understanding the
services you can get from one or the other. A hairdresser specializes in hair care, including cuts,
coloring, and specialized treatments like keratin straightening or hair botox. On the other hand,
a stylist is an expert who takes care of the overall appearance, integrating hair, makeup, and
clothing. By knowing who does what, you can better express your expectations and achieve the
desired result. For example, if you want a new, very specific haircut, a hairdresser is the person
to consult. On the other hand, if you are planning a special event and want a complete
makeover, a stylist will give you a global vision. So you understand that to optimize your time,
your appointments, and your money, it is important to speak to the right person.

What are the roles, tasks, and skills of a hairdresser?

A hairdresser focuses mainly on hair – that’s what it says! Their roles include cutting, coloring,
perming, and, depending on their skills, all forms of more or less specialized hair treatments.
She must master different cutting techniques, know hair products, and know how to apply them
correctly. The hairdresser must also listen to her clients to understand their expectations and
offer them personalized advice. In addition to these technical skills, a good hairdresser must
have good manual dexterity, a developed aesthetic sense in addition to having a strong interest
in hair fashion trends. In summary, the role of the hairdresser is to enhance the hair while
ensuring the hair health of her clients.

What are the roles, tasks, and skills of a stylist?

A stylist takes care of the overall appearance of her clients – again, that’s said! Its role extends
far beyond hair to include makeup, clothing, and accessories. The stylist must have a thorough
understanding of fashion trends and be able to create cohesive looks that highlight her clients’
personalities and styles. The ability to analyze a client’s personality, clothing style, and lifestyle
is therefore at the heart of the skills sought in a stylist. She must know how to analyze
morphologies, colors, and textures to offer suitable advice. A stylist’s duties include selecting
outfits, coordinating accessories, and sometimes even accompanying people on shopping trips
to guide clothing choices. The skills needed in a stylist therefore include creativity, a keen sense
of aesthetics as well aandthe ability to analyze a client to understand their needs and help them
achieve a tailor-made look.

Can a hairdresser also be a stylist?

A hairdresser can also be a stylist. Our hairdressers also can analyze a client’s personality,
clothing style, and lifestyle, which means that we offer recommendations similar to those of a
stylist during consultations offered by appointment. Many professionals choose to train in both
areas to offer a more complete range of services. By combining the skills of a hairdresser and
stylist, a professional can not only take care of their clients’ hair but also advise them on their
overall style, including makeup and clothing. This versatility allows us to better meet customer
expectations and offer complete makeovers. Hairdressers who are also stylists can offer
significant added value to their clients by offering hyper-personalized services.

What are the typical services offered by a hairdresser?

The services offered by a hairdresser mainly include hair care. This includes haircuts, coloring,
highlights, and perms as well as specialized treatments like hair botox and keratin straightening.
A hairdresser can also provide hairstyles for special events such as weddings or parties. She
uses various tools and products to create looks tailored to her client’s needs, in addition to
aiming for improved appearance, results that are in line with current trends, and hair health.

What are the typical services offered by a stylist?

The services offered by a stylist are varied and encompass the entire physical appearance of
her clients. A stylist offers style consultations, complete makeovers, and personalized advice on
outfits, accessories, and makeup. She can even accompany her clients on shopping trips to
help them choose clothes that flatter their body shape and complexion. A stylist can also create
looks for special events, photoshoots, or public appearances – this is what we do and is also
linked to our event services. The goal is to create a harmonious and cohesive appearance that
reflects the client’s personality and lifestyle.

How are the two professions complementary?

The professions of hairdresser and stylist are highly complementary. A hairdresser focuses on
the health and beauty of hair, while a stylist takes care of the overall appearance, including
clothing and makeup. Together, they can offer a complete and coherent service. For example,
for a wedding, the hairdresser can create an elegant hairstyle while the stylist coordinates the
outfit, accessories, and makeup for a perfect look. By working together, they can ensure that
every aspect of the client’s appearance is harmonious and well thought out. This
complementarity allows us to respond in a more complete and personalized way to the needs of
customers, offering an integrated beauty and style experience.


Understanding the differences between a hairdresser and a stylist is essential to getting the
most out of your beauty experience. While a hairdresser focuses on the health and beauty of
your hair, a stylist focuses on your overall appearance including makeup and clothing.

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